Project Undercover Donation Drive

Project Undercover Donation Drive

When you're surrounded by little luxuries like cashmere, denim and shearling at Laura Jean, it's easy to take our access to the everyday necessities for granted.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we'll be holding a drive for Project Undercover, a local organization that collects and distributes diapers, socks, underwear and baby wipes to help the approximately 20,000 children under age 7 throughout Rhode Island living in poverty. 

As we're layering up for the colder weather, it's important to remember that so many people struggle to earn enough for even the first layer for their little ones. In Rhode Island, one in three families struggle to afford diapers, often forcing a choice between food and clean diapers.

The average cost of diapers is $1,000 per year per child, and WIC/EBT do not provide diaper assistance. 45,000 children in our home state are living in poverty, many of them right here in Newport, and those children also need clean socks and underwear.

Starting Tuesday, Nov. 17 through Sunday, Dec. 20, we'll be collecting the following new items for Project Undercover:

  • Diapers (all sizes)
  • Baby wipes
  • Children's underwear
  • Children's socks

Any of your contributions are tax deductible, as Project Undercover is a registered 501(c)3 organization. If you can't make it into the store, but you still want to contribute, feel free to visit their website!

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